Timberland grove

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 Timberland grove
 Replay by ShaGGy: 14 Med here. "Got 3 laps shown here, first lap 2.15.34, then 2:13:19, and last lap 2:12:87. Couldn't hit the mx part too great this time around but you can definitely get the idea... I try to take a big chunk off of that first corner, bit risky but pays off if you dont fall in that hole... Right before cp 4 be sure to slow down so you can take that downhill smoothly... up ahead before the mx jumps you want to hit the brakes lightly on that small platform, then when you land on the ground below, jerk the wheel to the left right after first bump, helps you land the following jumps much smoother. Other than that try to cut those corners close, and anticipate the following bends so you get maximum speed going through them, and youll do great :-)"